
Art therapy

My approach to art therapy is largely influenced by Transpersonal psychology. This as the name implies, is psychology that goes beyond the personal, beyond the  individual. It is healing that takes place in the spiritual realm. Through the artistic process we can enter a state of consciousness known as ‘flow’ where we recieve wisdom and insight that our thinking brains would miss.

Psychedelic Art Integartion

Psychedelics make  unconscious contents of the psyche avaliable for conscious processing. Often, the reason this content is unconscious is because it is painful. Especially if done in the wrong headspace or the wrong physical setting, this can lead to a ‘bad trip’. A bad trip can be pretty terrifying and we can continue to feel unsettled long after the psychedelic experience has ended. But it’s not all bad new for if processed correctly the contents of the trip can be the key to our healing.   

Junior Art Theray

Every child is an artist. For many children it is easier to express difficult thoughts or emotions through images than it is through words. Art therapy can be used to help children and adolescents with emotional, developmental or behavioural problems.

Eco Art Therapy

Eco art therapy recognizes the importance of nature for our mental well being. Connecting with nature and doing art both are non ego or right brained activities and so combining nature with art therapy can make the process of letting go of the ego, easier.